Healing And Deliverance Tools

Dealing With Stubborn Demons- Reviving The Church Heritage

Dr. Gilbert Mwachia

Have you ever faced a spiritual obstacle so stubborn it seemed unbeatable? Join me as we scrutinize the enigmatic terrain of spiritual warfare, specifically honing in on 'Dealing with Stubborn Demons.' Inspired by the perplexing biblical narrative in Mark 9:14-29, we delve into the reasons behind the disciples' inability to cast out a particularly resistant demon. With a blend of scriptural knowledge and practical insights, this episode is a treasure trove for anyone seeking to grasp the profound authority we possess over demonic forces. Learn how to turn spiritual setbacks into stepping stones for growth, and understand the vital roles that faith, prayer, and readiness play in the realm of deliverance. This is more than just a lesson; it's an empowering journey towards ensuring freedom from oppression for ourselves and our loved ones.

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of the Holy Spirit in your life? The early church experienced an unprecedented dynamism post-Pentecost, and in this episode, we rediscover the transformative power that invigorated the apostles to work wonders. Reflecting on Jesus' departure and the consequential arrival of the Holy Spirit, we delve into how this divine advantage can redefine the contemporary church's impact. I invite you to consider the underutilized strength of the Holy Spirit that extends beyond speaking in tongues, urging today's church to embrace the vibrancy intended by Christ. Together, let's explore the necessary shifts for the church to recover its healing authority, minister effectively, and address the spiritual needs of its congregation with newfound vigor.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to this healing and deliverance tool. My name is Dr Gilbert Mwachia and I'm delighted and honored to share the word of God with you Today. We will jump into the sanctuary and begin a series of teachings entitled Dealing with Stubborn Demons. Maybe you have prayed for someone and demons didn't come out, or you have witnessed a deliverance session that wasn't successful, or you have someone who is manifesting demons and you would like them to be helped. Now we will begin this series together to explore why sometimes deliverance fails. Now the disciples of Jesus Christ failed in a deliverance session and Jesus revealed vital lessons through their failure, which we will begin to share. Get ready to learn so that you and I can take the necessary steps to have our loved ones healed and delivered from demonic oppression. At the end of the teaching, I will be back to give concluding remark, but let's get into the sanctuary and get into the word. See you there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, now welcome to this time for the word of God, and today we will be in Mark, chapter 9, mark, chapter 9, and look at this particular scripture from verse 14, this portion of scripture here, Mark 9 from verse 14, we'll read about 15, maybe 16 verses to verse 29.

Speaker 2:

This is not a very uncommon portion of scripture to many Bible readers, but I want us to look at this scripture with this heading dealing with the stubborn demons. Dealing with the stubborn demons. Dealing with the stubborn demons, all right, we are living at a time when we are confronted by situations, we are confronted by demons, we are confronted by diseases, and some of them are stubborn and some of them are stubborn, and they are powerful lessons that we can draw from this scripture. My spirit has been searching, wanting to know what are the answers, what can we do? What does God require us? Because every time I see something, I want to know how do we go about some situations? Hallelujah, so let's get into this really quickly, all right, so Jesus?

Speaker 2:

Jesus had come right. Jesus had come from the mountain this is the mountain of transfiguration. He had gone away with the three of his disciples, peter, james and John, and the other nine were left behind. So he went there. He was transfigured. That's a story for another day. But when he came back, when he came back with these other three disciples, he saw a crowd of people. He saw a crowd of people. We are told. The scribes were there and they were disputing. Now understand that they were arguing. There was a dispute that was going on at that time, and so Jesus asked the scribes and the people. He asked the scribes what are you discussing? What are you arguing about? What is the dispute? What is the trouble here? You guys are discussing. It looked like it was a heated discussion.

Speaker 2:

And then we are told that one of the guy in the crowd, a man in the crowd. He cried out and said Teacher, I brought to you my son who has a mute spirit. He has a mute spirit. And other versions said he has a spirit that has robbed him of speech. And then he said I ask your disciples to cast it out, but they could not do it. All right. So the man is reporting and telling Jesus what has happened, that he had a problem. He brought his son and in fact Luke tells us it was his only son. So it must have been somebody really loved. And to see your only son in agony, in such agony, that must have been a heart-rending situation for the man. He needed help.

Speaker 2:

He brought the son to the disciples and the disciples conducted a delivering session. Right, they started doing a delivering session to cast out that mute spirit, that deaf. That was a very powerful spirit, that deaf and mute spirit, and they could not. So you can imagine, when the Bible says they could not, it means these guys tried all that they could to cast out. They commanded this demon to come out, but the demon refused to come out. It still remained in the child.

Speaker 2:

So, right out of the bat, I want us to understand that failing in deliverance, in deliverance, failing to deliver, is not if we fail in a deliverance session. We are not the first ones. These were disciples and sometimes God allows some things to come so that we can learn, so that we can learn some deep lessons, and I wanted to be able to listen to this because of very important lessons we have here which are going to help us. Okay, so the disciples could not cast out this demon. You have to understand that Jesus had already given them the power. Okay, let me read with you Luke, chapter 9. Okay, luke, chapter 9. Let's go so that you can understand the kind of power Luke, chapter 9, in verse 1. Okay, luke, chapter 9. We'll probably just read verse 1 there.

Speaker 2:

Luke, chapter 9. Sorry, I went to chapter 1. Luke, chapter 9. We probably just read verse 1 there. Luke, chapter 9. Sorry, I went to chapter 1. But Luke 9 and verse 1. Alright, listen.

Speaker 2:

It says Then he called his twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases. You see that Now this is a delegated authority. Jesus called these guys and he gave them. So they had it. He gave them the power, he gave them the authority. That means the right to drive out demons and not only that, also to cure diseases. This is the heritage of the church. Brothers and sisters, if it was only for the disciples alone, it will not be here. There are some things that Jesus told the disciples. We don't have them recorded by the Holy Spirit for us, but whatever we see in the Bible, whatever we see in the Word, is also meant for us. It was meant to be passed on to the church and so we see here Jesus gave them power and authority over all demons. You see that it is all. It doesn't matter what kind it is. They already had the power and, as a matter of fact, if you read those accounts after this, he also appointed other 70 also, he did the same everywhere Jesus has called. He appointed 70 or 72. He also gave them the power and they went out and it worked.

Speaker 2:

The Bible says they came back and they brought a report. And they say, lord, oh, they, they came back and they brought a report. And they say, Lord, oh, they were ecstatic. And they say, oh, we went out. As you said, we proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom and we were so excited because even demons were subject to us in your name, so they had sinned.

Speaker 2:

These guys were deliverance ministers, these guys had the power they had been given. And so this man brought a son there. He was looking for Jesus, but Jesus was not there. And this guy we don't know how many times the only time it is recorded is when Jesus sent them the 12 and also sent the 70. But he may have sent other times also and so these guys had seen the power of the name of Jesus, that demons were subject to them in the name of the Lord.

Speaker 2:

And so when this man came with a son and said, hey, I have a son here who has a demon and it has robbed him of speech, robbed him of speech I said, oh, we can help you. Jesus already gave us the power. Bring your son over here, All right. And so they started their delivering session. In the name of Jesus, come out. In the name of Jesus, come out. And they could not deliver the son. The demon just stayed put. Does that sound like where we are? Does that sound like the church, the present day church? Now, you stay with me. I will show you some things here which I am learning from the Lord Beloved. I'm learning some deep things which are going to be helpful. It will help you if you are a minister of God. So you stay with me so that we can finish this particular small, just a small series about dealing with stubborn demons. So the man reports we could not.

Speaker 2:

And so Jesus, when he had that, when Jesus had that, what did Jesus do? What did Jesus say? Okay, let's go back to our scripture, where we have been reading. So Jesus, when he had this man saying that, he said okay, what are you arguing about? Verse 19,. All right, verse 19. He answered and said to him oh, faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to me. Let's break that down slowly. Okay, does that sound like Jesus was excited when he said I brought my son to you and your disciples tried to deliver my boy, to bring to cast out the demon, and they could not. And Jesus immediately began to say oh faithless, oh faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear you with you? Bring your son here to me.

Speaker 2:

Jesus was frustrated. He was frustrated by the outcome. Why didn't that? Tells you right there. It tells you, jesus expected that the disciples should have done it, that should have been a done case. And so he is frustrated and wondering. He says oh faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? You guys, I gave you power, I delegated the authority and I gave you power over all demons. How can you not do it? Hallelujah, hallelujah. So Jesus is frustrated and it Hallelujah, oh. And so Jesus is frustrated. And that question where he asked you know, one time I was, I remember I was just crying, I was just telling God Lord you know he said how long shall I be with you?

Speaker 2:

How long shall I be with you? Do you know the church today? And when I talk about the church, I'm talking about me, I'm talking about, not buildings. Okay, the church is us, the church is me and you. We are the body of Christ. You know, we have been confronted by situations, we have been confronted by demons, we have been confronted by sicknesses and diseases and we have been helpless. We have been helpless. I don't know how many times I have felt oh God, jesus, I wish you were around here. I wish, lord, you were here with us to take hold and show the devil, and show this demon who you are, what your name is. Haven't you felt like that? Let me tell you the truth live, live that Jesus has appeared in downtown Houston and he is moving around and casting out demons, like he did in Jerusalem. How many will flock there? How many will I mean? There will be no. People will fly in from all over the world to come to Houston, to come and bring their issues and their trouble to Jesus Christ, because he is there in person. But Jesus is frustrated here. He's saying how long shall I be with you? So he continues to teach them.

Speaker 2:

But I wanted to realize, brothers and sisters, even though we long, we long for the presence that Jesus will be here for us physically, there is a statement that beats me down. There is a statement that beats me down in John. We have to go to John, let's go together to John, because we are teaching. Sometimes I want to run, but some of you don't have opportunities to read these words, so let me read them with you. Go to the book of John. Let me go to the book of John. We will read from verse 5, chapter 16, verse 5. Go there, john, chapter 16, verse 5. Okay, go there, john, chapter 16 and verse 5.

Speaker 2:

Here Jesus had finished his teaching and training ministry. He was about to go to the cross. And now, if you start all the way from chapter 14, he's telling them I am going to my father. He said don't be afraid, don't be anxious, don't let your heart be troubled. So Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure. He's telling them man, I have done my part, I have prepared you. And when he started talking about him going away, the disciples were served.

Speaker 2:

Look at verse 5. But now I go away to him. Who sent me? And none of you ask me where are you going, but because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Look at verse 7. You can underline that. Beloved, this is what I want us to fight. This is where I want us to begin our fight. If you are somebody who highlights your Bible, or in your phone, or wherever you are, highlight this verse 7, because it's very, very important. Jesus said it is to.

Speaker 2:

Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you, but if I depart, I will send him to you. My goodness, my God, beloved, church of Jesus, church of Christ, you, my brother, you, my sister, you, minister of the gospel, jesus specifically said don't desire that I remain here. It is to your advantage that I go away. You know what he says. If I go away, if I don't go, I will just remain with you here in Jerusalem, in Bethlehem. But if I go away, if I go back to my father, I will bring you the promise of my father. I will send you the helper, the one who will help you. He will be like me, but he has the ability to be everywhere. He can be in Jerusalem, he can be in Houston, he can be in Kenya, all at the same time. I will send him to you and it is your advantage that's the word that kills me, right there.

Speaker 2:

It is to your advantage. Do you know? Oh, my goodness, do you know we are living at an advantaged time of the church, of the work of God. We are supposed to be seeing God like never. We are supposed to be seeing the move of God, the move of the Spirit, the power of God, to such an extent we begin to thank God. Lord, thank you that you went away. You have given us of your Spirit, your Holy Spirit, your power, and what we are seeing here. We are seeing amazing things, lord. Oh, philip is in Samaria, he is seeing the same thing. Oh, john is in Jerusalem, he is seeing the same thing. Mochia is in Houston, he is seeing the same thing. Somebody else is somewhere. Lord, we thank you for your Holy Spirit. It is an advantage.

Speaker 2:

The church is supposed to be in an advantage position. But I'll be honest with you. I feel, lord, I just wish you were here. Oh, look at this, look at what is happening, look at my sister, what is suffering? Look at my brother, what is suffering. But the disciples got. They got hold of that, they believed. It is an advantage.

Speaker 2:

And when the Holy Spirit, when the helper, when the power of God came upon them, in Acts, chapter 2, on the day of Pentecost, and the church was born, the church of Jesus Christ was born. If we go to the book of Acts, christ was born. If we go to the book of Acts beloved, we will see the blueprint. We will see the blueprint of what God intended the church to be. And I want us. We are few here, but we have to be an army. We have to repair the altar of God. We have to bring the church to be what it's supposed to be. We have to. We are not going to stop beloved. And if you are one of those, don't settle for tongues alone. I'm speaking to the body of Christ, I'm speaking to the church. We have settled for tongues, but that is not what the Holy Spirit came to give us. Only Look at the church you guys are. Come on, let's go to Acts. Let's go to Acts. I want to show you a picture of the church. I want to show you a picture of what Acts, chapter 5. Go to Acts, chapter 5, verse 12. I want you to be mad. I want you to. I want you to, I want you to be stirred up. I want you to be stirred up to join with me in prayer and say, lord, this is not it, lord, this you are saying, it is an advantage. We want to see that advantage of us that we have the Holy Spirit of God. All right, we have to. Are you in Acts, chapter 5? Are you there in Acts, chapter 5?, verse 12.

Speaker 2:

And through the hands of the apostles, many signs and wonders were done among the people, and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch. Yet none of the rest dared join them. But the people esteemed them highly and believers listen to this and believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitude of both men and women. Look at verse 15 now Look at verse 15. So that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and coaches that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them. Underline verse 16.

Speaker 2:

There Also a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirit. And they were all here spirit and they were all healed. Ayah Beloved, that is the picture of the church, that is the picture of the altar we are told. These people were told it is to your advantage that I go away and when I go away I will send you a helper. And when the helper comes, he told them, you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you will be my witnesses. You will tell people I am who I said I am. And when it happened they shook Jerusalem and all the surrounding cities.

Speaker 2:

And we are told people were bringing sick people, people were bringing the sick on the streets Because there was no way Peter could lay hands on all of them. There was no way and they wanted just at least the shadow. The shadow Jesus didn't heal with a shadow. Peter healed with a shadow, a shadow Just passing by. I don't know. I picture somebody. Maybe there was a brother coming in with a shadow, a shadow just passing by. I don't know. I picture somebody. Maybe there was a brother coming in with a bright light and around and shining the light as Peter was going, shining the light so that the shadow can belong all the way where sick people are lined up, and he is passing by the shadow of Peter, not the hand of Peter. The shadow of Peter was healing the sick.

Speaker 2:

And, we are told, a multitude of people gathered from around, from all over, from all over. And what were they coming? What were they bringing? Did you see what they were bringing? They were bringing sick people. They were bringing sick people and people who were tormented by unclean spirits. And all of them, some of them, were healed. No, all of them were healed. No, all of them were healed. My God, my God. So that is a picture of the church Jesus has in mind, that is a picture of what should be happening in the church.

Speaker 2:

But I submit to you today, I submit to you today, the church.

Speaker 2:

We have become religious, and hear me, we have become religious. We have become religious. People are not bringing the sick to our church. People are not bringing demon possessed people in the church, because the church is anemic, the church is weak, the church cannot cast out demons, the church cannot heal the sick. People are dying right in our pulpits, in our pills. I didn't say people will not die. We will all die, but there are some situations we are supposed to deal with at the church of Jesus Christ. We claim. If we claim we have Jesus.

Speaker 2:

If we claim, I am mad. I hope you can live with this. I hope you can live with some radicalness here. I want to. We have to repair the altar. We have to do whatever it takes.

Speaker 2:

What is happening today? What is happening? There is no power. Everyone is speaking in tongues, but there is no power. There is no power. We have accepted that's all that the Holy Spirit was to bring to the church no honey, no brother, no sister. He came with the power. It is an advantage that Jesus is not here, so that you and me can be filled with the same spirit that was in Jesus Christ. Did you hear that? They said it is not some people, it is all. Believers can be filled with the same spirit. Now, jesus said if I cast out demons by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. He was born as a man, but he depended on the Holy Spirit. He says I cast out demons by the Spirit of God. And he said this same Holy Spirit, he is going to come upon you. He is going to come upon you. He is going to come upon you. My goodness, we cannot bring. Oh, this pains my heart, beloved. We can't have the sick being brought to the church. We can't have demon possessed being brought to the church. I had a brother giving me a testimony been brought to the church. I had a brother giving me a testimony. A brother had a son who was manifesting some difficulty and the child was interrupting the service. The child was a problem to the church and this brother said we were told take away your son. Take away your son, we cannot have you. He is interrupting our church. He is interrupting our service. Oh, hear me, children of God, today, when a demon process comes, instead of us dealing with the demon, you go to the big churches. They have bouncers. They have bouncers to stand on the door. If a demon process begins to manifest, they have a responsibility to grab hold of the man and throw him out of the church. You are interrupting our service. You are interrupting our service. You are interrupting our service. We don't need you here. We are holy. We want to worship God, we want to live for God, we want to study God. We have gone to our seminaries. We want to study, we want to hear from God. Get away from our church and this brother was thrown out. He couldn't fit into any church because the child was an interruption to the service of the church. Where is the church? Where is the church of Jesus? Where is the church? Where is the church of Jesus? When the early church, they were bringing tormented people to the church. Jesus walked into a church, he walked into a synagogue and a demon, possessed, began to manifest and to interrupt his Go and read Mark, chapter 1. He said, oh. He began to shout. What do you have to do with that sheer? You, jesus of Nazareth, I know who you were, I know who you are. You are the son of God. Have you come to torment us before our time? Did Jesus command the bouncer get hold of thatars. Get hold of that guy. Get hold of that guy, take him out of the church. He is interrupting our service, he is stopping my ministry, he is interrupting my. Get him out. No, jesus, by the spirit of God, say come over here, be quiet and come out of the man. You know demons. Demons interrupted Jesus' service. We should be ready for demon people, for people in need, to interrupt our service and to make us mad. To make us mad and begin to cry out to God and begin to cry out to God and say Lord, we want to see you in our church, we want to see you in the altar. We want to see power, we want to see the move of God, we want to see the glory of God in the church Today. Today, your brother, your sister, they have a sick person at home, they have a demon possessed person at home, but they cannot bring that person to the church because the church is anemic, the church is powerless. The church cannot do anything to help the people who are in need. Are we having church or is a social club we are having? Are we bringing ourselves together to entertain ourselves? Or is this the church that is spoken of in the Bible? Is this the church in the Bible or it is what we? You know? I will tell you, especially here in America. The church has created its own God. God said do not make anything in my likeness. What we have today is the likeness of God. And Paul says oh my goodness, they deny the power thereof.

Speaker 2:

They claim to be godly but we deny the power. You've read that. You've read that People will have a form of godliness. Have you heard that People will have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof? That's where we are. That's where we are. We have a form of godliness. We's where we are. We have a form of God. We look very godly, we look very holy, we look like we are worshiping Jesus, but where is the Jesus of Nazareth? Where is the Jesus of Nazareth in the altar?

Speaker 2:

Who said that it is to your advantage that I go away and if I go away, I will send you? I will send you of the spirit, my God, hallelujah. Oh, my God Beloved. I haven't even started giving you the reasons for our failure. That's just introduction, and if you are following this, I want you to follow, because we will reveal some of the things we are supposed to be doing and we are not doing.

Speaker 2:

We have to get back the altar of the Lord. We have to have the altar repaired where sick people can come in, because there is an answer in the church. Instead of chasing them away, instead of saying we don't need you here, you are interrupting the way we worship we will start saying bring them over. In fact, we will not even have to advertise. They will hear what Jesus is doing. They will hear the sick are being healed, people's spirits are coming out and they will flock in numbers. Get into prayer with us. Beloved, wherever you are, let's begin to see God. God bless you. I hope you will be there in our next teaching. May the Lord bless you. May the Lord keep you. I hope you will be there in our next teaching. May the Lord bless you.

Speaker 1:

May the Lord keep you until we meet again in the word of God. Amen. I hope you have been blessed as you listened to the word of God. Now stay with us and don't miss the next session as we get deeper into the word. Maybe you need prayers and you're saying, pastor, don't close before you, pray with me. Yes, I will Just get to our website, gilbertmochiacom, and there you will find a prayer session. I have entitled it it.

Speaker 1:

It's Time for your Miracle. Let's pray together and believe God for the supernatural, for a miracle in your life. Yes, the word of God is still the same. He says all things are possible to him who believes. So we will press on until we get our miracle. While you're at our website, you can share your testimonies with us, send in your prayer requests and also, if the Lord leads you, we are looking for financial partners, people who will stand with us and support us and strengthen us by giving their donations and help us to grow and reach more people with these divine truths. So click the donate button on our website and give a generous contribution. When you do so, you will become a partner in whatever God is doing through this work and our reward will be great in heaven. Well, I look forward to seeing you again in our next teaching. Stay in the Word of God, amen.