Healing And Deliverance Tools
Many people are suffering from torments and oppression orchestrated by malicious and evil demonic spirits, some of them not even knowing what they are going is demonic. I will be teaching truths that will help you, or someone you know, be set free from demonic oppression and receive healing through Jesus Christ. At the end of the teaching I will give instructions on how we can pray together, or the steps to take to bring to an end these demonic torments and oppressions. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
Healing And Deliverance Tools
Exercise Yourself Towards Godliness (Part 3)
Are there benefits and rewards in exercising ourselves toward godliness? Athletes work hard at their games because of the promised rewards if they win the prize. In this episode, as we continue to dig deeper into our topic, we will look at the motivating factors to pursue godliness. Get inspired by these truths that make your spiritual journey worth it all. Godliness is the best life you can here on earth, and the life that is to come. Discover more in our teaching.
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Hallelujah, all right. So welcome to this session of the Word of God, delighted that you can join us for this time. We are in 1 Timothy, chapter 4, and verse 7 and 8, continuing on the message that we were sharing last Sunday. If you missed that teaching, please make sure to draw back again to go and listen to that so that you can flow with us Now. Let me go now to verse number eight. Let's go to verse number eight where it says For bodily exercise profits a little. But godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that is now is and of that which is to come.
Speaker 1:Now, when Paul is talking about exercise, we have already learned that Paul knows, timothy understands that this is about training, this is about vigorous exercise. This is about putting all your energies towards something. Now he wants to bring something very important which I want us to grasp here. He tells him for bodily exercise, profits are little. Profits are little. Now Paul says those who exercise in the things of this world, if you begin to exercise, there is no doubt about it, your body will benefit from it, you will benefit by exercising. So exercise is not negating that. All of us know there is benefit for doing some physical exercise. Right, there is benefit. There it is, and some people just need to be told. You are killing yourself, maybe this is for somebody. You are killing yourself, maybe this is for somebody. You are killing yourself with the food you are eating. You are killing yourself with a sedentary life, with a lazy lifestyle. Just get up and do some exercise, so the sicknesses will just have to pack up and go, all right. But so much for that, all right. So Paul tells him but spiritual exercise? But spiritual exercise has value, he says. For bodily exercise, profits. It brings value, profits a little. But godliness is profitable for all things, having promised for the life that now is and of that which is to come. Now let's unpack that. I know you already got it. Let's break it down so that we eat some stuff out of that.
Speaker 1:So Paul is saying you know for you to strain right, for you to work hard, for you to really do what you're supposed to do, there has to be a sight of the prize that is ahead, an athlete who is training for the Olympics or for any rest. They know what they will win when they do the exercise, when they deny. They watch their diet, they watch what they eat, they watch the medications they take. They watch their lives. They are temperate in all things. They work hard towards achieving that goal, but it's because there is a prize that is laid ahead.
Speaker 1:Now Paul wants to enlighten Timothy and to enlighten us, because this word is for us, is said for us, telling us, beloved. There is a reward. You are spiritual exercise, you are stretching yourself toward godliness. There is a reward that you're going to get out of it. You will get a reward out of doing spiritual exercise and it says godliness, becoming godly, has a promise of the life that now is and the life which is to come. Hallelujah, what a blessing for you and I to become godly. That if you work towards godliness, this is what the word of God is telling you. There are promises. There are some things you will benefit in this life, but also in the life that is to come. What promises are there for me? I'm just pricking your thinking, your spiritual life. What promises are there? What is this that will draw you towards it?
Speaker 1:Okay, I will wake up in the morning to pray. Well, some people are not morning people. That's fine. Some people are early morning, some people are night hours. You know I will spend some time to read the word. I'll spend some time to see God in prayer, or I'll give myself to fasting one day If you won't die, I'll take a day and pray and fast, or I will do some spiritual exercise whatever. Or I'll take some moment and sing songs and worship the Lord and just allow myself to praise. Or I'll watch some godly movie or some godly song or some preaching of the word.
Speaker 1:And today God has made it so easy. You don't even have to read the Bible. You can even just plug in some Bible versions and somebody is just reading and filling your word with the word of God. That's an exercise. You are tuning your mind, you are listening to the word, you are listening to a Bible app and it is right there. It's just speaking in some words, some scriptures are getting in as you're reading the Bible through with somebody. That's a spiritual exercise.
Speaker 1:Now, what are the benefits? What are the promises we have for the present life? Let's try to cover some of them and then we will continue, whatever we will reach. Let me number one promise. Number one First promise for the present life God has promised the presence of God. Right, I don't know. The presence of God. Godliness has that promise. When you focus on your godliness, there is the presence, there is a promise of the presence of God, the presence of God.
Speaker 1:Look at Hebrews chapter. I don't know if I can read all these verses, but Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 5, you know Hebrews 13 and verse 5, let me see if I can get it really fast here. 13, verse 5, what does the writer here say? Let your conduct be without covetousness, be content with such things as you have. For he himself has said I will never leave you nor forsake you. There is the presence, the promise of the presence of God. What else do you need in life when God promises and say I will never leave you nor forsake you? God promises his presence. Wow, godliness brings the presence of God in our lives.
Speaker 1:Look at if you read Joshua, chapter one, verse five. Many of us know that verse, but these teachings go to some parts of the world where they don't even have a Bible. So we have to mention this. Look online Joshua 1, verse 5. When Joshua was taking over from Moses, who was dead, god tells Moses do not be afraid, do not be afraid, do not be anxious. He says these words of the covenant you should meditate day and night. And God promises there I will never leave you, nor forsake you. The same words again I will never, never, never leave you nor forsake you, beloved. That's one of the greatest promises that you can have of the presence of God.
Speaker 1:Do you know what it means to forsake that? I can be your friend. We are walking together. You know, we are walking down the street. We are friends, we are touching, we love one another, we care for one another. But hey, when things become really rough, when the situation in the streets become really bad or things become bad for you, maybe you are down or you are being attacked and I cannot fight. Well, I take off, I cover myself, I run away. That is forsaking, like the way the disciples of Jesus forsook him. When you know, the poor Peter was saying Lord, I'm not going to leave you, I will be with you no matter what, even if it means dying. I'm going to die for you. I will, I am with you, lord, nobody's. We will fight for you.
Speaker 1:What happened when Jesus was being arrested? The Bible says they all forsook him. They saw what. This man has been chained, this man has been caught. And they all ran. They forsook him. The Bible says they forsook him. Now God says no matter how rough your road becomes, no-transcript.
Speaker 1:Godliness has the promise of the presence of God. Let me take one more. Let me take another one here. Godliness has the promise of the peace of God. You guessed it right the peace of God. So the presence of God, and now the peace of God. So the presence of God, and now the peace of God. You will have peace. God promises his peace. The world is looking for peace. You want that calmness, you want to have a rest.
Speaker 1:Now, we in this fellowship, we love the verse. Mark is always Pastor. Mark is always throwing to us Isaiah, chapter 26 and verse 3. Isaiah 26, verse 3, you know we are always quoting he will keep him in perfect peace, him whose mind is stayed on you. But did you know that's not the whole verse. Okay, let me read it. That's not the entire verse. I'll go through it. I'll go through it because we love that verse. Let me go there.
Speaker 1:Isaiah 26. Isaiah 26 and verse 3. All right, I know you have quick Bibles, soft Bibles, so you can tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. That's what I'm doing here. Isaiah 26 in verse 3. Look at this. He says you will keep him in perfect peace. Perfect peace, perfect peace. Whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. That's the whole verse. Because he trusts in you. You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is straight on you because he trusts in you. I want us to get that Every time we quote that verse.
Speaker 1:Let's not forget the completeness of that verse. You cannot have perfect and we're talking about perfect peace. Perfect it doesn't mean you will not go through troubles. It doesn't mean you will not go through tumult and difficulties and struggles in life. They come to all of us. Challenges will come, but you can have perfect peace, Like the way Jesus was.
Speaker 1:He's in the midst of a storm with the disciples. The boat is being rocked, it's like he's going to dawn, but he's down there. He's down there, he's asleep, and he tells the disciples my father has never left me. You know, this sea cannot drown me. This thing cannot kill me. No matter what the waves say, they will not kill me. God is together with me. Now.
Speaker 1:The disciples didn't understand that, but that's perfect peace. God says you will keep him in perfect peace. Hold on. It is him whose mind is stayed on you and there's a reason because he trusts in you. We have to trust in God. You have to trust in God. I have to trust in God. You have to trust in God. I have to trust God. I'm just talking about myself, not about you. But every time I am worried, every time I have been worried, it is because I have removed my eyes from the Lord. It's because I am looking to my abilities. I'm looking to my abilities, I'm looking to my strength, I'm looking to what I can do, what I can do by myself. I remove my eyes from the Lord. I look at the circumstances, I look at the waves, I look at the sickness, I look at the disease. I look at what people are saying. The doctors are saying this, my friends are saying this oh, this happened to so-and-so. So that's what I am seeing and I lose. I lose that peace of God. God keeps us in peace. God keeps us in peace when we are stayed on him, when we are on his word, when we are trusting him, because he trusts in you.
Speaker 1:Listen to the words of Jesus, right, listen to the words of Jesus, very wonderful words of Jesus in John, chapter 14. We know them, but we have to read them. We have to read them. John 14, just go to John 14, verse 27. I'm interested in verse 27. What does he say? John 14, verse 27. Someone here we go. He says this. He says my, you know. He says peace.
Speaker 1:Now, remember, jesus is talking to the disciples here. They are very troubled. They are very, very troubled. He's been talking about going away. I am going, I'm leaving, I'm going back to the Father and peace. And their hearts are filled with sorrow. They have been with this man for three years. They have depended on him. They have looked to him. Now he says I'm going away. So they are worried. They are worried to death. They're worried to death, you know.
Speaker 1:And then he tells them peace, I live with you, my peace, hallelujah, that's what, my peace. So Jesus has his peace, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives to you, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. God says. Jesus says my peace, my peace, I give to you. I have my peace, the peace that he had when the boat was being rocked up and down, looking like they're going to drown. He said my peace, I give to you and I don't give the way the world gives. No, I give to you. And then he says let not your heart be troubled. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Beloved to be afraid is a choice.
Speaker 1:And I get into these problems. I don't know, I'm just speaking about myself. You know, I get troubled. I don't know, I'm just speaking about myself, I get troubled. I don't know about you. I get troubled, I get troubled.
Speaker 1:A small thing just troubles me. I'm talking about what we are facing now, the challenges of getting occupancy permit. Then we read some requirements, we read stuff and we're like, oh, how am I going to get this? And I'm looking at myself. I'm like, wow, lord, this is too much. Wow, what if they ask this? What if they want this? And I start fretting. I said I'm worried, as a man, I'm worried.
Speaker 1:And Jesus said let not your heart.
Speaker 1:He says let not your heart. You know he says let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Remember how he started verse 1 of that chapter 14,. Right, many of you know that, but I will. He repeated verse 14, verse 1,. He said let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. And then let's jump now to where we were.
Speaker 1:So he began chapter 14 and said let not your heart be troubled. Don't allow yourself to be troubled, don't, don't. It's a choice. If I choose to be troubled, I will. If I choose to be afraid, how is this going to work out? How am I going to handle this? Am I going to be afraid? How is this going to work out? How am I going to handle this? Am I going to get help? Am I going to get healed? Am I, am I, am I. I'm looking at resources, I'm looking at people, I'm looking at the challenge ahead of me, I'm looking at the problem that I am facing, the challenge that is before me, and I'm asking all these questions. I'm asking all these questions, I'm asking all these questions. I'm asking all these questions and, before I know it, my heart is troubled. I lose the peace of God, I lose the presence of God, because all I am doing is I am focusing on what I am seeing, I am not looking to God, and now I am allowing myself to be troubled.
Speaker 1:We are exercising ourselves towards godliness and our time is up. I'm only talking about two areas, you know, but let me mention this as I close, because I have to close. We'll pick up from those others in our next teaching. When we begin to exercise ourselves towards godliness, there is always a temptation that people think that we are miserable people. We are talking about the promises in this life, the promises that we have in this life. We have talked about the presence of God. We have talked about the presence of God. We have talked about the peace of God. And when we are talking about straining towards becoming godly, there is always a temptation oh, if I am a godly man, then I will. I'm losing on life, you know, I'm losing the joy of this life. I'm not enjoying life. Oh, beloved, the joy of this life. I'm not enjoying life. Oh, beloved, I want you to know that the life in Christ is the best life that we can ever live. It's not easy to live an ungodly life. It's not easy.
Speaker 1:Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew, chapter 11. I think they were quoted by my wife sometime and we have shared that. Matthew 11, verse 28, come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. And then verse 29,. Jesus says take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and you will find rest for your souls, hallelujah. You know that's a promise. Jesus says if you come to me, you are seeking after godliness, you want to be like me, christ-like, you want to please God, you live your. He says take my yoke. The world has a yoke, but he says take my yoke and learn from me. Where do you learn from Jesus? From the word Learn from me and you will find. And therefore my yoke is easy. He says my yoke is easy and my burden is light and you will find rest for your souls. The burden we have beloved is easy, it's easier, it's an easier life. You know Proverbs, oh my goodness, all those scriptures that come, proverbs. You can go read, write it down Proverbs, chapter 13, verse 15. Proverbs 13, verse 15.
Speaker 1:Somewhere there, solomon says the way of the wicked is hard. The way of the wicked is hard. Did you know that the way of unrighteousness is difficult? You will think that all these guys are enjoying life. Oh, they're party drinking. Maybe other young people you think young people are enjoying? They look like they're enjoying. They look like they're having fun with fentanyl and dope and drink. And women and men and all these guys. But the way of the wicked is hard. It's hard beloved. It's a hard life. It's difficult Because they are looking for contentment and those things never fill them, those things never satisfy them.
Speaker 1:Their lives are empty, empty life, useless life. They end up. They think they come back to bed and what was this all about? They have hangovers in the morning, they have headache in the morning and they're looking for can I get another shot? Oh, I'm feeling so miserable. Can I get another shot?
Speaker 1:The way of the wicked is hurt, but for us, who are children of God seeking after godliness, there is a promise for the life that is now. The life that is now. And what is that promise? It's a life of peace. It's a life of rest, getting rest. Jesus says come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. He says take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Jesus has given us the best life that you and I can live in this present life, we are enjoying life.
Speaker 1:You're watching this by telecast. You're watching this by YouTube. Maybe you haven't surrendered to Christ Beloved. You are missing on life. You haven't begun life yet, because Jesus said I am the way and the life and the truth. He is life, he is the truth, he is the way. Surrender to Christ, surrender to the truth he is life, he is the truth, he is the way. Surrender to Christ, surrender to the Lord, surrender to follow him. And when you live a life of surrender, then you start becoming godly and then they are profit right.
Speaker 1:So we finish with our verse where we are reading in 1 Timothy 4, verse 8. It says for physical exercise profits a little, but godliness has profit for all things, having promise for the life that now is and the life that is to come. Well, I've only shared two blessings the promise of his presence and the promise of peace. But there are three other promises and then we get to the promises in the future. You don't want to miss this. Stay with us as we just continue unpacking this wonderful bread of life.
Speaker 1:But, beloved, exercise yourself towards godliness. There are blessings, there are promises, and if you don't know Jesus Christ yet, he's knocking at your door. All you need is to open your heart and say Lord, come in, I want to be godly. Tell Lord, forgive my sins. Call on him, just pray that prayer wherever you are. Just tell God he is faithful and then accept him in your heart and then, from there, make sure you join yourself to a church and tell other believers that I surrendered my life to Christ.
Speaker 1:Don't keep quiet on it. Don't say I'm going to try it. That's not going to work. You get power when you begin to testify, when you begin to tell others of what Jesus has done for you. That way the Spirit of God comes through, because confession brings salvation. Unless you confess it out, you are not going to be saved. You can believe with your heart, for all that you can, but unless you begin to tell people that you are born again, you won't experience the joy of this life we are talking about. God bless you. I hope you get saved. Just pray that prayer and you can go to our website, faithlifevictorycom. We have an area there that will help you how to get saved, and then you can connect with us. We'll be happy to help you. Write us a note, send us a note, and we will be very happy to minister to you and even send you materials that we have and help you grow and become a mature Christian. God bless you, god loves you and we love you too. We'll see you again in our next teaching, amen.