Healing And Deliverance Tools

A Lifestyle Of Thanksgiving- Power Through Praise

Dr. Gilbert Mwachia

Can you imagine transforming your toughest battles into victories through the simple act of thanksgiving? Embrace the power of gratitude even amidst adversity by learning from Biblical examples and modern day stories. These stories remind us of the biblical call to give thanks always, highlighting gratitude as a spiritual weapon. By aligning with God's word and expressing thankfulness, we can trigger supernatural transformations in our lives. Let this episode inspire you to integrate thanksgiving into your daily routines and trust in a greater divine plan, ultimately bringing glory to God's name.

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Speaker 1:

Hallelujah. Thank you so much for coming together with us for this time of the word. We are in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5 and verse number 18. Thank God in everything, no matter what the circumstances may be be thankful and give thanks for this is the will of God for you who are, in Christ Jesus, the revealer and mediator of that will. Of course, we are used. The shorter version of it is in everything. Give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Concerning you, we talked last time, very shortly and briefly, that there is a number of things that happen when we cultivate a lifestyle of thanksgiving. Now I shared with you the first two P's that thanksgiving releases in our lives and if, by any chance, you missed that message, please go back. Whether it is in our YouTube channel or somewhere in our Facebook page, you'll be able to get that part one. It's important. Very powerful revelations were shared there. Our subject today will be power through thanksgiving. Power through thanksgiving, power through thanksgiving. Now I want to read for you or with us here, something that I read from a book written by a man of God, marilyn Carothers. Marilyn Carothers, listen to this. I think this will help set the stage so that you and I will understand where we are going. So this is a testimony in the book the Power in Praise by Marilyn Carruthers, and I want you to just listen to this as a stage setting for the things that I will be sharing with you. Here we go.

Speaker 1:

Jim's father had been an alcoholic for 30 years. All those years, jim's mother and, and later Jim and his young wife, had prayed that God would heal him, but with no apparent results. Jim's father refused to admit that he had a problem with alcohol and stalked out in anger if anyone ever mentioned religion to him. One day Jim heard me speak about the power that is released when we begin to praise God for everything in our lives instead of only pleading with him to change the circumstances that hurt us. It struck him that he had never tried praising God for his father's condition. Excitedly, he shared the thought with his wife let's thank God that Dad's alcoholism is part of his wonderful plan for Dad's life. For the rest of that day they gave thanks and praised God for every aspect of the situation, and by evening they felt a new sense of excitement and expectation.

Speaker 1:

The next day, the parents came over for the usual Sunday dinner, always before always. Before Jim's father had cut the visit as short as possible, leaving right after dinner this time over a cup of coffee he suddenly asked a pointed question what do you think about this Jesus revolution? He turned to Jim. I saw something about it on the news last night. Is it a fad or is something happening to those kids? The question led to a lengthy and open discussion about Christianity. The elder couple didn't leave till late in the evening. The elder couple didn't leave till late in the evening. Within weeks Jim's father came to admit his drinking problem, turned for help to Jesus and was completely healed. He now joins the rest of the family in telling others what praising God can do, beloved.

Speaker 1:

In a moment I'll be sharing some examples of power in praise. I'll take you through two examples in the Old Testament. There are many, we don't have time for everything, but just a sample of that Two in the Old Testament and two in the New Testament. But what I want you to realize is that thanksgiving is a spiritual key to unlock the supernatural working power of God. There is power in praise. There is supernatural working power of God that comes down into play. God's power is released through praising God, and when I say praise, it also means thanking God, and I'll show you in a second here. But I want you to know that this is one of the keys. It's not the only key. Okay, there are many spiritual keys. Okay, there's the. I talked about the key of fasting. That's a key by itself. Now there is the key of a vow.

Speaker 1:

Thanksgiving, or praising God, is one of the keys that is most neglected. It probably is the most neglected key in the Christ tender, in Christ's church. We don't use that. Okay, we give thanks to God, but our Thanksgiving is just some cliche. Lord, I thank you. Lord, I thank you, but when we are really down, when we are breaking down, when we are hurting, we really don't give thanks for that.

Speaker 1:

And I talked about giving thanks in everything, as it says in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5, but also, uh, we read Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 20, where it says always giving thanks for all things, at all times, always, so it is all the time, not in everything, in everything, but also for everything. I share that in our last teaching so that you gain understanding over that. But, uh, I wanted you to know that there is power. So let me go to these examples. You see how God has worked in the past and is worked with the saints who have gone ahead of us, who have believed God in difficult circumstances and situations, and it's the same God beloved. God beloved is the same God you and I worship today. He hasn't changed. So I want to take you to a second Chronicles, chapter 20. Second Chronicles, chapter 20. Now I'll just give you a background, a background of this, because I don't have time to go too much on that here will find in 2nd Chronicles, chapter 20. We will find King Jehoshaphat.

Speaker 1:

King Jehoshaphat was attacked by a coalition of enemy kingdoms. Three kingdoms had come against Jehoshaphat, to attack him, and he was told that the people of Ammon, the people of Moab and the people of Mount Seir, or the Edomites, have come to attack your kingdom, judah. And Judah was a small kingdom, they didn't have an army, the whole nation, the king himself proclaimed a fast and they came before God in prayer, asking God for help, asking God to intervene in a situation that was completely helpless, defeat a vast army coming against them of three nations that have ganged up as a coalition to come and destroy the entire kingdom of Judah and take over Jerusalem. And so a very powerful prayer that he prayed. I've shared about that sometimes back. But long story short, as they were praying, in fasting before God, the spirit of God came through a man, in the minister, in the midst of the congregation of the of of Israel, of Judah, and this is what he said in verse 15. So I'll read verse 15 there he said this listen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem, listen, king Jehoshaphat, this is what the Lord says. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours but God's. So that was the word of God. And down there, god gives them a strategy of what, that where they will find the enemy, and all that. God knows everything. I see and I'm interested. I'm interested in what happened. So when they received that word from the Lord, king Jehoshaphat was encouraged that God knows. Oh, I thought that was a lot, thank. He appoints singers to go before the army, to go into the battlefield.

Speaker 1:

Let me read verse 21 here, verse 21 and 22. You will see some amazing things. After consulting the people, the king appointed singers, singers to walk ahead of the army. Now believe I'm reading from the New Living Translation. Okay, is the simplified it? The New Living Translation is a little simpler, but it just it brings is a translation, so it brings the meaning, which sometimes may not, may not come out. So he says in verse 21,.

Speaker 1:

After consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army singing to the Lord and praising him for his holy splendor. This is what they sang Give thanks to the Lord. His faithful love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord. Now, I know, I know, I know your version. If you are reading King James Version or New King James Version, it says there it says praise the Lord for his mercies endures forever. Now I want you to see there praising the Lord and giving thanks. Those two words are very closely related Praising God and giving thanks to God. They are sometimes in the Bible. They are used interchangeable. They are very closely related. So when we are talking about praising God, literally we are talking about giving thanks to God, acknowledging God for who he is and all that. So here in the King James Version it says praise the Lord for his mercies endures forever. Here in the New Living Translation it says this is what they sang Give thanks to the Lord. His faithful love, his faithful love, that is his mercy, his faithful love endures forever.

Speaker 1:

And you, you know, when you look at this critically beloved let's not miss this when you look at this critically, it looks silly, it looks stupid in the in the ordinary and the ordinary mind of a man, how can you, as a king, take singers to go and face a vast army and a honey that has been, has has prepared themselves, they have banded together, they have come with the weapons and all that and they have come to attack you and to finish you, and then you appoint musician, you appoint a choir. You know, in the national, you would think you know the king could have told they have okay, I know we are small, I know we are small, we are, we don't have the power. In fact, if you go and read his prayer, his prayer was very powerful God, we have no power to face this enemy, neither do we know what to do. We don't have a strategy, we don't have the power, we don't have us. I've shared about that in the past. So he knows he doesn't have the power, but he does have an army at least. You know, in the national would have said okay, you guys go and fight, believe god, he is with you, he is with you. Just go in and begin to fight. God will help you. God will help you as you get into the fight.

Speaker 1:

No, the man consoles and appoints singers. And what does he say? By deciding to give praise and give thanks to the Lord, jehoshaphat is telling God. I mean, if anything is going to happen here, if we're going to have any victory in this, it really has to be god. It just it has to be bad god. There is no way. There is no way we can win this battle. So all we can do is to believe your word. He has. He had to take a risk and do the most stupid thing of appointing a choir to give thanks to God.

Speaker 1:

And what are they thanking God? Oh, we thank you, father. We thank you God. We have no power, but you are all powerful. We thank you that. You know the armies that are. You know the battle that I am. You know the trouble that I am. I talked about what thanksgiving does. Again, go listen to the other previous message. God is powerful, because I can't go through all that, but it's acknowledging the awesome presence and power of God and giving thanks that God. You can handle this. We can't, but you can. I don't have power, you have all the power. So they are giving thanks to God. Give thanks to the Lord for his love, for his love, his mercy, his faithful love endures forever.

Speaker 1:

Now listen, listen to what happens in verse 22. Okay, verse 22 is very interesting. It says at that very moment, at the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon Moab and Mount Seir to start fighting among themselves. Wow, and I want you to take note of that, the Bible doesn't add words. Things are not written for the sake of just being written. That verse 22 is very critical for our understanding. There was something that triggered the awesome power of God to strike confusion at the enemy, and it is right there where we are meant to understand it is at the very moment they began to sing and give praise and give praise. So they had a part to do in my new king james fashion says. Now, when they began to sing and to praise, the lord set ambushes against the people of amon more and mount seer, who had come against judah, and they were defeated. They started fighting amongst themselves, you know. So the two nations banded against one and finished them, and then the two nations remaining, the two kingdoms remaining. They started fighting and destroyed one another. And you go and read it's a nice read for yourself again, I can read it to fill your heart.

Speaker 1:

They went there by the time the army was reaching, by the time Judah was reaching the camp of the enemy, there were all dead bodies. This guy had killed one another and there was not one person left. And you know what God had arranged these armies. They came with the silver. They were loaded, came with silver. They were loaded with gold. They were loaded with food. They were loaded with clothing. They came loaded, loaded, loaded, and Judah started the work of collecting and bringing in the boot, bringing in all that these guys had brought them to and what the enemy intended for evil. God turned it around for good, for the benefit of Judah.

Speaker 1:

What am I saying? Beloved, you know, sometimes we were in. You know we have prayed. We have prayed, you have fasted. That's good. I'm not saying you're doing the wrong thing, no. But there are many other keys, supernatural keys of the kingdom of god, and one of them we are singing is thanksgiving. These guys just use this key of thanksgiving and the moment they began to thank god that, yes, we are in a difficult situation. Yes, we have no power. Yes, we are not able. God set ambushes against the enemy.

Speaker 1:

What are you going through right now? What is this that you heard that you are going through? Is it a sickness? Is it financial hardship? Is it that you've lost your job? Is it that your, are you, you, you, you, you husband, is it is whatever is, maybe your wife is, whatever it may be, your own children, your family, you, the people who are close to you something?

Speaker 1:

We are all going through stuff. We are all going through stuff, but have we the question is, have we, as god's people, taking that and say, god, you have a good plan? God, your, your wisdom, your ways, the way you work, the way you do things are beyond my, my understanding. You are god and I want to thank you for what is happening in my life. I want to thank you and we ask you can I thank God for this? Yes, you can. You can, because that's the word, is a command, is the one. I'm not telling you my own thoughts, I'm just telling you what the word says. He says for all things. I know we'll emirate that buzz again this Thessalonians.

Speaker 1:

We read this in Ephesians, ephesians 5.20. It says always, always, always. That excludes no time, the span time, always giving thanks for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to God, even the Father. That's the Bible, it's the word, it's a command, it's a promise. It's what God wants. So you give thanks.

Speaker 1:

I know sometimes it don't make sense, you know it doesn't make sense and I've read so many testimonies. If we had time, we'll go into that. But, beloved, what are you going through? We'll go into that. But beloved, what are you going through? What is this? That maybe, god, what is waiting for you to? And it will be difficult initially.

Speaker 1:

Can I really thank god for this? I know this is the devil at work. That's what. That's our argument. I know this is sitting at work and I'm not saying you should not wage spiritual warfare. I, I am a warfare man. I wage war. I wage war, but I'm introducing another key in the midst of our warfare. As it says, in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. That may be the missing ingredient, that may be the missing part Begin to thank God, begin to release, begin to thank God for what you are going through, hallelujah. So let me give you another example. Okay, I'll go to the example of Daniel. We all know Daniel, daniel, chapter six, if you want to turn there. In Daniel, chapter 6 we meet Daniel.

Speaker 1:

Daniel has been free, has been, has been appointed by King Darius to, to, to, to, to, to a position of leadership and the people that he's been appointed for. There were three, three governors who are leading 120 subtracts at raps. But they conspired against Daniel so that they can remove Daniel, because Daniel was a righteous man and so he was standing in the way of corrupt guys. And they conspired and made the king sign a decree that anybody who will pray to any other God except the king for the next 30 days, he should be thrown into the lion's den. And, uh, I don't know going with the story of the lion's den and what they were doing during that time, but nobody came out alive, you see. And and they made sure that the king will sign a decree that even he himself cannot change once he has put his signature it the the thing cannot be changed, according to the laws of the Medes and Persia. And the king thought, wow, these fellows are honoring me, these fellows are ready to worship me for the next 30 days. And of course he signed that.

Speaker 1:

Signed that the Bible tells us in Daniel, chapter 6 and verse 11. You know that. When no, let me read from verse 10 instead of verse 11. All right, verse 10. Listen. It says now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home and in his upper room, with the windows open towards Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day and prayed. Here we go. He prayed. I'm not saying you should not pray about the issues that you have, all right, I'm adding my words there. I'm not saying you should not pray about the issues that you have, all right, I'm adding my words there. I'm not reading now, I'm adding my words there. So you see, daniel prayed, but it's not only prayer. Okay, let me read it again Now.

Speaker 1:

When Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home and in his upper room, with the windows open toward heaven, he knelt down on his knees three times that day and he prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom. As was his custom since early days. Daniel was a man of prayer. Three times a day he prayed. And even when the king said nobody should pray to any god except him, oh, he knew this was aimed at me and he went and opened the window. You know, in the national we can say, oh, daniel, man, it's only 30 days. Okay, don't pray to him, but also don't pray to your God. Just don't pray to a God, just stay put, just stay like that, and, and, and. Then afterwards, after the 30 days are over, go to the king and say hey, king, you know you, you signed a decree. But you didn't know, and I can't blame you, king, you signed a decree.

Speaker 1:

These guys were after my neck, these guys were after me, and for the last 30 days, king, would you believe it, I have not been able to pray to my God. I have not been able to pray to my God because I didn't want to violate your decree. I honor you, king. And so I have been starved of prayer. I have not prayed for 30 days. I've stayed away from my usual life of praying and giving thanks to my God for three days, for four, three days, three times a day. But now, just no, please, don't, don't, don't sign another, don't, don't, don't. Let these guys do that again.

Speaker 1:

That was that was aimed up with me. They were after me. You know, that's probably what I would have done myself. Okay. My god knows. He said he knows I don't worship any other God. I'm gonna pray to him, I'm gonna pray to this King, but I'll wait for the 30 days to be over. I'll beat these guys at their own game.

Speaker 1:

No, no, daniel didn't care about his life. All he cares was living a life that pleases God. And what does he do? He goes instead even closing the door so that no windows, so that nobody see. He opens the windows and we are told very clearly, he continued in prayer and gave thanks to his God. Here is the question beloved what was Daniel thanking God for that? He was going to be thrown into the den of the lions, that he was going to be a snack in you. I mean, if you were thrown there there, you will be torn into pieces. That's it. That was the end of his life.

Speaker 1:

You are dying, I'm going to die and you know that was a death sentence. That was a death sentence. I mean, that was a death sentence. I'm repeating that, repeating that deliberately, because one of the things that really, really kills us that you go to a doctor and the doctor gives you his report and says you are going to die, you have an incurable disease. Wow, all our world breaks down. It's as if we don't know that we are going to die.

Speaker 1:

The truth is, the truth is, all of us have a death sentence. That's the truth. All of us are going. Unless Jesus comes, you and I are going to fall down dead, completely dead, dead, and we'll be thrown and dust thrown over us. That's the truth, it's for all of us, but somehow we fear death. We fear if somebody, you're going to die in the next six months, you're going to die men that can rob you of your joy, of your, of your, of your, of your happiness, of your peace. Oh, I'm about to die in two years, I'm dying in one year. Everyone is gonna be nice, but anyway, let me go back.

Speaker 1:

Daniel has been given a death sentence by tomorrow. He's gonna be the lion's snack, that's it. But he goes to the lion's den, he goes to his chamber and he gives thanks to God. He gives thanks to God, he praises God, say God, I thank you that. You are my God, you are on the throne. Even when these guys were were conspiring, when they were meeting together, even when they were planning all this, lord, you knew it and I thank you that my life is not in the hands of this enemy. My life is in your hand, whatever you want to do, god, if this is the way I was going to exit this world, so be it, but I'm not gonna stop praising you. Oh, I feel the power of that. I'm not gonna allow this thing to rob praise of my heart. If this is the way I'm going to come home, so be it. I will praise you, I will thank you, I will worship you, I will give you honor. My life is in your hand. Do whatever you wanna do, oh God, but I will worship you and praise you.

Speaker 1:

As they are looking, you know this story. Daniel truly, was thrown. The king tried to save Daniel when he realized, oh, my word, what have I done? This was a conspiracy to finish this man of God. But he tried to save him. He tried to compromise, he tried to reason out with those guys and say this is a good man. Oh, let's not throw Daniel. And they came and they insisted, saying oh, king, you have signed a decree, according to our laws of the Medes and Persia, that cannot be repealed. There is no appeal. And he said okay. They grabbed Daniel, threw him into the lion's den.

Speaker 1:

We are told the king did not sleep that night. The whole night he did not eat the evening meal he did not do. He fasted the whole night. He had an all night prayer meeting. I don't know whom he was praying to, but the guy was so broken and early in the morning he rushed out to the Lions den and cried, lamenting, cry, lamenting. Oh Daniel, has your God, the one you serve, has he been able to rescue you from the lions? And Daniel answered from down, deep down in the lion's den, he says oh King, live forever. My God sent an angel and he shut the mouths of the lion is, zip their mouths and they have done me no harm.

Speaker 1:

I think that as Daniel was coming down being thrown down, one lion was positioned by the angel to act as a sofa, as a cushion, and cushion, lion, done, boom and Daniel. Daniel was there and he was greeting them, he was cuddling them the whole night. Everywhere he went, these guys' mouths were all zipped up. They tried to open their mouth, nothing. I said wow, maybe what they saw is another lion. They didn't see Daniel as a human being. Maybe they saw a lion, because lions don't eat lions. I don't know, but you have the lion of the tribe of Judah. I'm just throwing in that. But anyway, donald says my God sent an angel and he rescued me and the land.

Speaker 1:

The king commanded Daniel to be drawn out of it, out of the den of the Lions, and he was so happy. He was so happy to see Daniel alive. He knew this was just a conspiracy. Of course he said now we are going to do an experiment. I'm just paraphrasing Let all those guys who said Daniel should be thrown into the lion's den gather them with their wives and their families, den. Gather them with their wives and their families, all of them. Bring them here and dump them into their lion's den. Then we will know which God is God. We are told the story. The bones were broken in pieces even before they landed. Those lions had fasted because of Daniel. Can you imagine? The king was thrown into a fast and the lions were thrown into a fast because of a man who has given thanks to God for every situation that is in his life.

Speaker 1:

Your thanksgiving is a weapon, is a. He is a powerful spiritual key to unlock the supernatural working power of God. I want you to think at your life. What situation do you have? Do you want to bring God into the situation? I know you have prayed. I know you have done everything.

Speaker 1:

God is speaking to you and me. Get into praising God. God is saying it's my word, it's my command. You are saying I am in control. You are saying I am on the throne. You are saying I am in control. You are saying I am on the throne. You are saying I am in church. That's what God is looking for. Will you praise him? Will you give thanks to God? Let's pray, father. I thank you for the ministry of your word. Your word is powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. Your word is life. Pray that you will use this life to trigger miracles in the lives of your children. Lord, this is not me praying for them to receive a miracle. It is them aligning themselves with your word and leave the results to you. Father, god, let this word bear fruit to the glory and honor of your name. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen and amen. God bless you. We'll see you again as we continue in our teaching, studying and living the word of God. Amen.