Healing And Deliverance Tools
Many people are suffering from torments and oppression orchestrated by malicious and evil demonic spirits, some of them not even knowing what they are going is demonic. I will be teaching truths that will help you, or someone you know, be set free from demonic oppression and receive healing through Jesus Christ. At the end of the teaching I will give instructions on how we can pray together, or the steps to take to bring to an end these demonic torments and oppressions. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
Podcasting since 2024 • 40 episodes
Healing And Deliverance Tools
Latest Episodes
Your Season Has Not Changed (Part 3)
Our episode dives deep into the transformative journey of nurturing our divine potential, encompassing the crucial growth stages every seed must go through before bearing fruit. We discuss the importance of patience, addressing inevitable testi...
Your Season Has Not Changed (Part 2)
Imagine unlocking the divine timing of your life—what if your season has not changed because you're on the brink of a kairos moment? Join us as we explore this intriguing theme, blending biblical wisdom with practical insight to help you recogn...
Your Season Has Not Changed (Part 1)
Can God's timing truly transcend the chaos of our everyday lives? In this episode we tackle the complex dance between human perception and divine timing, digging into the Greek concepts of "chronos" and "kairos." With insights from Ephesia...
The Blessed Hope- A million Reasons To Pursue Godliness
Have you pondered on the blessed and assured hope we have in Christ? This is the icing on the cake we have been eating on "exercise yourself towards godliness". We will focus on the future blessing of reunion, reigning, and rest in Christ. You ...
Unlocking the Divine: Harnessing God's Promises for a Life of Faith
Unlock the timeless promises of godliness as we journey through the lives of David, Paul, and Job. Discover how these biblical figures tapped into God's presence, peace, provision, and power, offering us a blueprint to anchor our own lives in f...